Real Estate

The primary objective of the Real Estate sector is to optimize the management of the existing real estate portfolio and to develop activities that are complementary and functional to other investment sectors. This mission is pursued, within the Tosinvest Group, directly by Finanziaria Tosinvest S.p.A., which owns the majority of the Group’s real estate assets (healthcare facilities, prestigious properties, and offices), as well as by its subsidiaries Santa Lucia 2000 S.r.l., Beta Immobiliare S.r.l., Gamma Immobiliare S.r.l., and Longoni S.r.l., which also own real estate assets instrumental to the Group’s business activities.
Due A S.r.l. (50% owned) was established in 2008 with the goal of developing a residential real estate project in the “Fidene Valmelaina – Bufalotta” area. To date, this project has resulted in the construction of 852 real estate units of various types (apartments, garages, storage rooms, shops, attics), of which 827 are intended for sale and 25 units for rent (mainly supermarkets and shops). In 2012, the company launched another real estate initiative on a site located in Rome, in the Grottarossa area, for the construction of 158 units of various types (villas and apartments), along with garages, parking spaces, and storage rooms, for a total of 201 units intended for sale.
Finishing to successful deal of real estate